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S23 SARM Capsules Latvia

S23 is gaining a reputation as one of the most effective SARMs currently on the market. It offers several benefits including gains in both bone mineral density, muscle mass and has also been found to increase the sex drive of females.

Size: 60 Capsules | 10mg per capsule


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S23 SARM Capsules

S-23, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), has garnered attention for its potential to mimic the activity of natural testosterone in the body, making it an appealing option for those seeking muscle gain and increased power. This compound is known for its strong binding to androgen receptors, distinguishing it from other SARMs and potentially contributing to its effectiveness in promoting muscle development. According to a clinical study, the potent sarm S-23 has been noted for its potent anabolic activity, surpassing its androgenic effects in castrated male rats, as highlighted in a piece of research published by the US National Library of Medicine [1].

Furthermore, S-23 is suggested to offer benefits such as lean muscle gains, fat loss, improved bone density, and protection from muscle wastage. The compound’s potential to provide these benefits, along with its reputed minimal water retention, positions it as a compelling option for individuals looking to enhance their physique and performance without anabolic steroids. It’s important to note that while S-23 shows promise in various aspects it is still considered a research chemical intended for laboratory research use.


Molecular Formula: C18H13ClF4N2O3
Molar mass: 416.76 g·mol−1

Size: 60 Capsules | 10mg per capsule

Research Latvia

Weight Loss

S-23, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), has demonstrated potential in promoting weight loss, particularly in reducing body fat. Latvia Research indicates that S-23 can aid in shedding excess body fat and reducing visceral fat, making it an attractive option for individuals looking to enhance their physique. Additionally, studies on rats have shown a decrease in average body weight and fat mass with S-23 treatment, as well as its ability to prevent muscle loss. These findings position S-23 as a SARM capable of facilitating fat loss and improving body composition, which may make it appealing to those seeking such benefits [1].

Muscle Gains

S-23, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), is associated with potential muscle-building effects, as suggested by various sources. Subjects in pre clinical studies using S-23 may anticipate significant increases in lean muscle mass, improved strength, and enhanced muscular endurance, all of which contribute to its appeal for athletes and bodybuilders. Moreover, reports indicate that S-23 is capable of inducing remarkable muscular growth comparable to potent steroids, positioning it as an attractive option for those aiming to enhance their physical performance and physique [2].

Sexual Drive

Latvia Research suggests that S-23, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), may have implications for female sexual desire. Studies indicate that S-23 can potentially enhance sexual drive in females, particularly postmenopausal women, without the testosterone-like risks associated with traditional options. The compound’s impact on hypoactive sexual desire disorder and its ability to increase sexual activity in postmenopausal rats are notable findings. Given its potential to address decreased sexual desire and arousal, S-23 presents an intriguing area of research regarding female sexual health [3].


S23 is a popular sarm, however this product is currently banned in professional sports due to its performance boosting capacity.  Although further research is required Latvia scientists have found it may have the following potential benefits:

  • S23 sarm is one of the most effective Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators for lean muscle mass growth and fat removal. S23 binds androgen receptors better than Andarine S4.
  • This SARM is being explored as a male contraceptive. Small dosages of this sarm caused adverse effects of infertility in animal studies. However, after stopping therapy, infertility soon reverted [1].
  • Latvia Researchers in bodybuilding and fitness have shown that S23 can increase lean muscle growth without water retention. With the capacity to create stronger, leaner muscles and boost endurance, S23 SARM is a leader in health and fitness research products.
  • This SARM may increase sexual drive in females.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC2630904/

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 20534726/

[3] https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/44575471_Nonsteroidal _Selective_Androgen_Receptor_ Modulators _Enhance_Female_Sexual _Motivation


Buy SARM S23

Pharma Lab Global Latvia is one of the best locations to purchase high purity S23 SARM for laboratory research purposes. You have the option to buy Sarm S23 Powder and S23 Liquid SARMs. Pharma Lab Global Latvia is a trusted supplier of peptides and sarms worldwide.

Check out our SARMS Support Supplements here


DISCLAIMER: All products sold by Pharma Lab Global are for research and laboratory use only. These products are not designed for use or consumption by humans or animals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such. By purchasing from our Website the buyer accepts and acknowledges the risks involved with handling of these products. All articles and product information provided on this Website are for informational and educational purposes only. Handling and use of these products should be restricted to suitably qualified professionals.

Additional information

Sarms Type

Capsules: 60 per bottle